Director: John Ford
Awards"? -- yes, nominated for many and won some Academy Awards -- nominated for one of the Top 100 films by AFI
Cast: John Wayne; Claire Trevor; Andy Devine; John Carradine; Thomas Mitchell; Louis Platt; George Bancroft; Donald Meek; Berton Churchill; Tim Holt; Tom Tyler.
sez says: some say that this is an acknowledged masterpiece and you're just putting yourself up for jeers if you don't fall into lock step agreement. Well I hate that. I think we hae to keep going back and looking again and again at these sanctified icons. So we looked at this once more. Things that are great about the movie are: 1) MONUMENT VALLEY (thank you John Ford for making movies there) 2) a view of what America is suppose to be circa 1939 (the end of the depression) 3) some amazing stunts on horseback.
This little microcosm of America riding across the west in a stage coach is a pretty liberal party when they are at there best: Forgive the prostitute; Understand the escaped prisoner and let him escape; Acknowledge what was honorable about the old south --ie your old enemy; Acknowledge Christina Ideals --the saleman; Forgive individual shortcomings The Doctor--because a good American will do the right thing when called upon. When it comes to the bad guys: 1) the banker, 2) the Plumber Brothers, and 3) the Apache you kill them (no trials) or you lock them up. It is an interesting movie in part just because it is so famous. .. but then how many people have really watched it.
15 years ago
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