Director: Henry Hathaway
Starring: Gary Cooper, Ann Harding, Ida Lupino
imdb Link: Peter Ibbetson
sez says: this is full throttle WACKO! True love is supernatural and cannot be stopped (even by prison walls) in merry old England. It give new meaning to I'll see you in my dreams. Plus Gary Cooper sports a mustache that makes him look a little like David Niven. Really a very weird movie. Weird can mean a movie is worth seeing. But this one doesn't make the cut. Its not entertaining. Ida Lupino makes a brief appearance--she is pretty cute--but that doesn't rescue this poor bit of wackola. GRADE D
mjc says: my favorite line is Cooper's when asked if he met any girls in Paris, "one, eight years old dressed in a white pinafore". Wow!
15 years ago
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