Director: Michael Curtiz
Starring: Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland; Basil Rathbone
IMDB Link: Captain Blood
mjc says: This was a treat for a fan of the Patrick O'Brian books about the Royal Navy at the time of Napoleon, although this is set at the end of the 17th century it seems to have British naval technology of a century later. Anyway, it was one of my favorite kind of stories (I'm sure I had a hardcover copy of the book as a kid) and always fun to see Errol Flynn flashing his sword!
sez says: I surprised myself here, I didn't expect to, but I liked this. There were good guys, with principles, standing up for what's right. And what a relief to see a story where "having a brain" and being smart are seen as good. The photography was great for the time. There were Kafkaesque shots and odd angle shots and shadows. I am not much for war scenes and sword fights, but I didn't get antsy waiting for these to be over. Errol Flynn and Basil Rathbone having a sword battle provide some classic film moments. Then there are the strange and wonderful toy sets. They were used a lot and provided oddly compelling landscape for a lot of the action that took place. We are so use to all the amazing things that can be done now with special effects, that we can forget what was done to 'stage' a battle the old fashion way. In this small dose it was a kick to watch. And it is a reminder of the skill that the special effects teams had in the way back when. Just an all around good time--if you are in just the mood to let yourself get a little swashbuckled. GRADE C+
15 years ago